
When one thinks about sport in Alaska, surfing is not the first thing that comes to mind...but it should! With over 35,000 miles of coastline Alaska, good exposure to prime surf-generating weather conditions, and lots of virgin breaks Alaska is clearly one of the worlds premier surf spots.
North Pacific Gulf of Alaska
One of Alaska's most popular surfing locales is Yakutat.
Located in the Central Gulf of Alaska, many breaks are accessible by car and the water temps. are reasonable. There are a number of local surfers too!
These folks are a good point of contact
102);font-size:100%;" >View a slide show with audio
Great Alaska Paddle-surf Rondez late 90's
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National Public Radio audio show!
View slideshow of assorted photos Alaska & Hawai'i
Nunivak Island,
North Pacific Bering Sea
When the opportunity arises...take advantage.
Media professor Skip Snaith documents Alaskan surfer, Martin Leonard, at a home-break in the Bering Sea . Nash Harbor provides a small fun surf and a relief from the long field season on the Bering Sea Island of Nunivak .
Mr. Leonard has medaled at a World Championships of Kayak Surfing and is well known for performance touring accomplishments. Take a look here!
View a short clip of surfing Nash Harbor,
Nunivak Island, North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea
What the heck are we doing in the middle Bering Sea...besides surfing?
Take a look here:
Kodiak Island,
North Pacific Central Gulf of Alaska
Situated in the crux of the Central Gulf of Alaska, Kodiak Island has some of the best potential for surf in Alaska. Our gracious Department of Defense maintains a missile range at one of the premier locations on island and the missiles come with a road...good for surfers looking for access on what is otherwise a fairly remote field setting.

View few photos from Kodiak Trip 06
Kodiak WeatherCAM
View current weather on Kodiak Island

Alutiiq Museum

Baranov Museum
Turnagain Arm, 'Bore-tide'
Cook Inlet, S Central
Text from:
The Turnagain Arm is a late Holocene fjord infilled with intertidal sediment.
Located in the lower arm of the Cook Inlet, running east from Anchorage, the Arm has a majestic backdrop with the glaciated peaks of the Chugach Range close to its shores.
At its mouth the Arm is around 10 miles wide and narrows to almost nothing over its 40 mile course. The tidal bore enters the narrowing Arm as a small wall of white water far out in the channels below Beluga Point. Much of its passage continues as white water over the shallow multiple channels.
Beyond Bird Point, the bore runs into deeper water and takes on dynamic form with a spilling head wave and trailing undular swells.
The changing seasons see the ebb and flow of Red Salmon, Hooligan and Beluga Whales as well as the mighty tidal bore.
Labels: fatbike bicycle alaska kuskokwim river martin leonard III, kayak surf alaska kodiak yakutat paddlesurf paddle surfing